Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 338- Love What You Love

                       Love what you love.                                                                                         ~Ray Bradbury 
Are there things in your life you are afraid to admit you love? Have you ever lied about something you love for fear of feeling embarrassed or criticized by others? I could answer yes to both of these questions.

Some of the things I love aren't so far fetched. Of course I love my family, traveling, playing the piano and animals; especially kittens. I don't think many people would criticize me for any of those things. Ok, maybe some people would have issues with the kittens, but they're just so cute. How could you not love kittens?

But there are other things that I know people would criticize me for whether it be my obsession with science fiction, my love of Wisconsin (yes, people do criticize me for being from Wisconsin), and of course my religious beliefs.

I don't want to be shy about those things I love. I love what I love! No one can change who I am, and if they don't love what I love then that's fine, but it won't change how I feel.

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