Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 339- Love the Chaos

These last couple of days I've had off from work and I thought I'd get in some good alone time along with some relaxation. It was a pretty mellow and relaxing couple of days, with the exception of the 'paper' incident. The kittens decided to tear the paper from a notebook to shreds. This ended with a look of shock and bewilderment. All I could say to them as they looked at me with their faces of 'innocence' was "What did you do?"

The incident with the kittens and paper was a moment of chaos. There were little pieces of paper strewn all over the floor and yet I couldn't help but laugh at this little event as I laboriously cleaned up the mess they had caused.

Even though that was as chaotic as it got for me, I decided I love the chaos. I love being busy; I love that I always have something to do. Don't get me wrong I like the down time too, which is something everyone needs once in awhile, but the chaos of my everyday life is also a bit fun. So from now I will embrace the chaos; I will love the chaos that is my life.

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