Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 341- Don't Take it Personally

I am surprised I haven't added this one yet, because I think I have always been the type of person that just takes everything way too personally.

Why is it when someone starts off a sentence with "Don't take it personally..." that I often take it even more personally? When I receive a comment (not necessarily a negative comment, even if it does feel that way sometimes) about how I look, act, live, etc. or even just a random comment I have the tendency to really take it to heart. I read too much into what they are saying.

I think when someone says something to me that hurts I need to take a step back and think about it for a second. Is what they're saying really something bad? Is it true? Are they in a bad mood? Am I in a bad mood? Honestly, does it even matter what they say? I think the next time someone says to me "Don't take it personally..." I need to follow that advice.

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