Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 342- Be Reliable

I have been doing a lot of things this year to help me to be more responsible. Part of being responsible is being organized. Being organized has really helped me to be a more responsible person. I have been keeping a daily planner among other things as one of my tasks to get me to be more organized. But sometimes that daily planner doesn't help.

This morning I got an email that we were to have a meeting tomorrow and my first thought was "@#$%!". I was supposed to be somewhere else at the same time. I then thought "This must be my fault. I must have forgotten something or misunderstood." My next thought was concerning my other appointments I had for tomorrow. I have already missed two weeks of my appointments, one for when my family was here and the other because I was sick.

I don't want to come across as a person who is unreliable; a person you just can't count on for anything. So I made the decision that I had to go to my appointments. Of course that also means I'm appearing unreliable for our meeting tomorrow, but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do.

I just hope from now on I will be that person that doesn't cancel appointments, doesn't show up late, doesn't forget to do something etc. I will be that person that people can rely on.

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