Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 343- Have a 'Drop Zone'

Having a 'drop zone' means that when I come home everything I don't need until I leave the next day will be dropped off on this spot. This includes items such as my keys, purse, sunglasses etc.

I want to make sure I have quick access to all of these items when I leave the next day. There's nothing more frustrating then running around from room to room grabbing everything I need for the day. Granted I am much more organized now so I don't have to search for these items. It's just the running around that's annoying.

I have a little table that used to belong to my grandma and I will keep a little basket on it for all of the small stuff. This will be placed close to the front door to make it more convenient. Hopefully this will help get me out the door a little quicker.

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