Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 344- Look At The Big Picture

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.                                                                                             ~Albert Einstein
What a strange little thing this is we call life. Sometimes I marvel at all the wonderful things life has to offer. I look around and see all of these amazing and miraculous things in this world. But sometimes I put too much focus on the small things and don't look at the big picture.

This is something that can be incorporated into several aspects of my life including this very blog. I will use my blog as an example because it fits so perfectly with the point I want to get across.

Sometimes I get frustrated because I haven't been faithful to all of my tasks. I try my hardest, but sometimes completing a task becomes very difficult and I get upset at myself for this. But I started this blog to make myself happier and if I drag myself down for those few tasks I'm not being faithful to then it defeats the point of me doing this blog.

Secondly, it's not about all of the small tasks it's about the big picture. I have accomplished so much and if I haven't gotten to where I want to be with something then I just work a little harder or reevaluate what I can do differently or just forget about it altogether, because maybe I just wasn't meant to be successful with that task. I won't drag myself down for what I haven't accomplished. The same holds true with every aspect of my life. I can't just focus on all of those small things. I need to focus on the big picture.

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