Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 361-Don't Look to the End

I am getting to this point where all I can think about is how I only have a few days left before I make it a whole year through this blog. I have decided that this is the wrong attitude to have.

I shouldn't be looking to the end; Everything I have worked towards in this blog shouldn't end just because my year is almost up. A lot of these items I posted about should be lifetime tasks. I should always strive to do my best.

Should I stop drinking water just because my year is done with? Should I start biting my nails again? Or what about prayer? Do I suddenly stop praying? I think you get my point.

I need to get myself in the mind set that the end of the year doesn't mean the end of my tasks. I need to remember to continue doing what I'm doing even when the year is over. So I won't think of these last few days as the end. I will just think of them as a continuation of my journey.

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