Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 324- Shh! (Kind of)

In an earlier post I talked about giving myself a timeout . This was more of an escape from everything; it was taking a moment to go somewhere in complete silence and just clear my head.

This time I'd like to try something new. Once a week (at least for now) for an hour I would like to spend that time in silence, but not necessarily away from everyone and everything. I'd like to spend that time just observing what is going on around me. I really think I should be more aware of my surroundings including the people in my life.

For this task I can talk, but only in answer to a question. The challenge is not to seem rude. If someone says hi to me, it's not as though I want to ignore them. So this is something I have to use good judgement on. I just don't want to volunteer ideas or have the focus on myself.

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