Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 346- If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again or Just Do Something Else

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then give up. There's no use in being a damn fool about it.                                                                                                          ~W.C. Fields
A couple of days ago I discussed looking at 'the big picture'. One of the things I talked about was my frustration at the tasks I was having a hard time with. Well I decided to revisit that post. I decided that although it's really the big picture that matters, when it comes to my blog I still want to take a look at some of these tasks that are giving me trouble. I need to ask myself a couple of questions concerning these tasks:

  • Have I given it my all?
  • What is getting in the way of me being successful with these tasks?
  • How can I make this easier for me?
  • Is there something I could be doing differently? (This goes along with the previous question, but just because something is different doesn't necessarily mean it's easier)
  • Is the task worth it?
  • Should I just give up on the task altogether?
These are questions you could really use in whatever you're trying to accomplish in your life. For me, at this moment in my life, it's my blog, but in the future who knows what it could be. I want to make sure that before I give up on anything that I've tried my hardest, and only then will I say, "It's time to let that one go!"

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