Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 347- Have the Kittens Help Me Get Rid of the Paper

A little bit ago I talked about the 'paper' incident I had with my kittens, unfortunately it didn't end with that one incident. It has become a regular thing with these guys. So how did I solve this problem? Well I got rid of the paper.

How much paper do we really need anyway? Most things can be stored in my computer. And anything of importance can be stored in our safe or I can keep a folder or file of documents I don't plan on getting rid of. If I had a scanner I could also probably scan some of my items and store them in my computer.

The kittens did a very good job helping me today. Their job in this task was to shred all of the paper I didn't want anymore. They kept up with me pretty well. Hopefully this will take care of this issue with the kittens. My only fear now is worrying about what they'll get into next since they don't have anymore paper.

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