Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 349- Clean My Jewelry Box

My messy, but beautiful jewelry box. 
The box was given to me as a gift by my husband.

I don't know how it happens, but just when I think I'm as organized as a person can get I come across something else. Today it was my jewelry box. I can't believe how much jewelry I have in there that is not worn. 

It would be nice to go over there in the morning, open my jewelry box and be able to find exactly what I'm looking for. At the moment I ignore the box, but hopefully now that it is clean I will wear a bit more jewelry. I did have a blog post about wearing more jewelry, because of my limited amount of clothing.

It's funny because I think to be organized it is always going to be a constant thing. I think the more organized I get the more I notice all of the unorganized things around me. 

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