Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 352- 'Peggy Proof' My House and Myself

You've heard of child proofing a house? Well this is 'Peggy proofing'. I know I have mentioned in the past how clumsy I am. Well I don't know that I can change that, but there are things I can do to prevent any accidents. I am the type of person that will go running around with a pair of scissors in my hand with the blades pointed at me.

I came up with this idea as I was standing on top of the counter today trying to reach something on the top shelf of the cabinet, and I thought to myself, "This probably wasn't the brightest idea I had. Why didn't I just grab the step stool?" Don't worry, I didn't fall off the counter... this time! But it made me think; I would be less prone to accidents if I used my brain once in awhile. I rush to do something without thinking about it, and that's usually when I get hurt.

Aside from using a step stool, I've also mentioned in the past about using a night light to help prevent me from falling or running into things. One thing that many woman would gasp at is the fact that I usually not always, but usually avoid wearing heels. I discovered this one awhile ago when it seemed like every time I wore heels I'd always fall and hurt myself. So I don't have to worry about this one too much. All I can say is me wearing heals equals me getting hurt. So we'll just avoid these. But I do admit every once in awhile I do get the urge to wear a pair of heels and I usually submit to this urge.

One thing I tend to do a lot is burn myself. It never fails whenever I'm getting something out of the oven my husband is always looking at me with this worried look on his face as though I'm going to get burned. "Be careful!" He'll say. And I'll snap back at him, "I know. I'm fine. I'm not going to burn myself...Ouch!!!" Yes, he's pretty much correct on this matter. I do burn myself more than the average person. So this is one thing I guess I need to use my brain for and 'think'!

I could go on and on and on about this, but I think many of these things will present themselves when I'm doing them. That's when I need to ask myself, "How can I make this safer?" or I need to just tell myself, "Use your brain! Think before you act!"

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