Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 351- When Did I Get That?

The other day I woke up with a horrible neck pain. I began to wonder, "When did I get this pillow?" The nice thing about that is all I had to do was look back in my blog to the day I got a new pillow and that solved that problem.

I constantly ask myself questions like that. When did I change the filter? When did I get an oil change? etc. I know for oil changes usually it's written on that little sticker thing in the corner of the window, which for me usually falls off or the date wears out.

I have decided I need to keep better track of these things. Instead of writing down when I bought or changed these items I figure I will write down in my daily planner when I need to change or replace these items. I've already done something similar to this with my toothbrush. Now I need to do this with everything else.

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