Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 329- No Treats!

Awhile back I was ok with letting myself have a treat once in awhile; I let myself have a day where I could indulge a little bit every so often on some of my favorite foods. I have found that my posts have evolved from when I first began the undertaking of this blog. I have decided for the last 36 days of this blog I will not let myself have the luxury of indulgence.

I have found that indulging is a bad thing for me. It just doesn't work in my favor. So no more of those yummy fattening treats. I am a slave to sweets and I don't want those sweets to overpower me. I will take my post about 'Healthy Dessert Options' a bit more seriously and take out that day of indulgence for the last  bit of this blog.

It's only for 36 more days and hopefully this little cleansing of all those unhealthy sweets will help in the long run. I do hear the less you eat of sweets the less you desire them so hopefully this little fact is true.

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