Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 312- Prioritize

How do you do 312 days worth of tasks everyday? The answer to that is simple; you don't. Granted some of my tasks were one time only tasks, and some of my tasks are not meant to do everyday, but there are quite a few that I'd like to be able to do on a regular basis. It takes work and sometimes it's hard to do everything all the time.

So what I have decided is that I need to prioritize. I will make a list of ten of my past tasks; these ten tasks are tasks I need to do everyday no matter what. I think by having this little list I will have this sense of accomplishment. I will feel like I am getting something done even when I don't have the time. This is a list I'd like to keep with me, and refer to it when needed. I figure every month I will take a look at this list and see if my priorities have changed.

One thing I want to make clear is the fact that I'm not ignoring the rest of my tasks. Each day I do what I can to accomplish as many of my tasks as I can, but this list will be something I use everyday. So here is what I have on my list for now:

  1. Drink water.
  2. Make my bed.
  3. Eat breakfast.
  4. Wear sunscreen.
  5. Take my multi-vitamin.
  6. Eat at least one serving of vegetables a day.
  7. Stretch!
  8. Smile!
  9. Use the 'One Minute Rule'
  10. Pray!

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